Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Never Stopping, Never Giving Up

I need everyone who reads this (yes, all three of you) to know that I have a laundry list of half finished blog posts hiding in my inbox that have accumulated over the past month. It could be the most defeating thing ever. I'm not exactly proud of my inability to finish things, and sometimes this blog reminds me of that. One time I painted a canvas that was supposed to say "Never stopping never giving up always and forever love" but instead it says "never stopping never giving up" because I got bored. Story of my life. Come to my house. It's on the mantle. So today, in an effort to finish something and better document my life for future generations, I'm going to fill you in on life here lately.

I am officially 22 years old. Isn't it ridiculous that you can go from 21 to 22 in just one day? Am I the only one who acts like I literally change ages in 1 days time? Oh okay. Nevermind. I don't think that. It is officially winter. It snowed a week ago and I'm still not over the excitement of it. There's nothing like a good snowstorm that turns me into my giddy 7 year old self. But really. I spend my days working and schooling and enjoying being a senior in college (that's still weird 4 months later).

Side note: I don't think I've shared with the class some exciting revelations I've had about my life. A) I've come to terms with the fact that I love cooking and feeding people and the dinner table. Put those things together and I've never been so alive in my entire life. B) In the middle of the chaos and unknown of this semester the Lord gave me a job I can't get enough of. Yes I used to make more money at my job in high school. Yes I was at work at 5 am this morning and will be there at 5 am tomorrow morning. Yes I've washed more dishes than I ever wanted to in my entire life. But- I have learned so much. I get paid to make pie and be creative and feed people. I'm in love. I'm a drama mama. C) I was made to do this for this time, and It's just good for the heart to know you're at the right place at the right time.

Back to what's going on here. My last final is in the morning. Time is moving ridiculously fast. I have been listening to nothing but sleeping at last. My poor roommates. I'm learning what rest is and what life looks like without k-life in it. I got to see my bestie's baby a week ago and the child could not be more precious. She's intuitive (it feels like she knows my whole life) and smiley and loves it when her mom holds her. Let's be real. I love to see her mom holding her so it's a win win all around. She's snuggly and sweet and I can't get over her existence. Thanksgiving came and went. I gained 5 pounds in 2 days. That's got to be some kind of record. I got a job catering a Christmas dinner and I could not be more excited about it. I'm continually thankful to be living with the people I do. Life of course isn't always rainbows and butterflies. Stress has been creeping back into my life like a black cloud. Finals week seems to have that effect on my existence. You would think after 7 years of finals taking I would figure out that the Lord is still in control during this week but normally I just strive and stress alot. Which doesn't help anything.

So I have to go buy Christmas presents now and tame my fuzzy hair. Love you all, deep!

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