Sunday, July 31, 2011

Treasure Hunt

Y'all. There are reasons why going to huge open markets and having cash should not walk hand in hand. Add some lack of self control in there and you've got a recipe for full blown ninnyness. Today I was a full blown ninny. Lord, thank you for being strongest when I'm weakest. Today I was weak. Real weak. Heat stroke and vintage chic goodies will do that to a ginger. (If you've ever had a heat stroke and you're reading this please forgive me. I'm a school girl. That was a lame attempt at making a joke. Don't feel bad if you laughed. I did too.)

There's a gem in Texas named Canton. For those of you asking yourself, "Self, what in the world is a Canton and where can I get myself one" allow me to clear that weary head of yours. Canton is a little ridiculous, eclectic town in Texas. People caravan there to experience it. If you're looking for a good place, scratch that, the best place to people watch, Canton is your stage. Canton is a huge open market that basically expands the entire city. You can buy anything from a puppy to a fox pelt (Morbid I know. But you win some you lose some.) to vintage mirrors to linen pants to corn on a stick. It's a shopper's dream and worst nightmare. The dream part because there are so many possibilities. The nightmare part because there are so many possibilities.

Yesterday, I got to experience Canton with some of the most fun people in my life. Yes I'm a drama mama, but it's true. You know it's the truth when the process of getting to a destination is just as fun as the destination itself. The process of getting to Canton looked like the following. I got off work and immediately put on my frat tank and chacos. It had been a long time coming. I can't wear either really during the week and Canton was the perfect excuse to put those bad daddies on. I was secretly hoping for a increased chaco tan. I feel like when people secretly hope for a chaco tan instead of just looking down one day and having one that they're posers. I'm a poser. We got some sonic. I got the delicious and healthy meal of cheese sticks and a slushie. Sometimes I'm afraid I'll never grow out of having the tastebuds of a 7 year old. Then again, I feel like 90 year old me would tell 21 year old me to eat all the cheese sticks and slushies I could while I could. I think she would also tell me to love well and worry less and enjoy my gingerness. I should listen to her more often. She has a lot of perspective, that one.

We got to Canton with a few goals as anyone wise and capable should. A) Find 4 people riding motorized scooters B) Find 6 people with sequined visors C) Find some goodies D) Eat a Turkey leg. All were accomplished except for the Turkey leg part.

In an effort to make all real life circumstances into metaphors of Christ, because let's be honest, they are, life is like Canton. It's fun. It's overwhelming. There are too many options that distract me from the real beauty that is there. There are things that pain you to see. Sometimes it's too hot. From the outside looking in it looks classless and confusing. A broken mess. From the inside it's the time of your life. A treasure hunt of sorts. I feel like the Lord is just like that. Worth sifting through the mess for. Worth laying down my wants for. Worth stopping everything I'm doing and following with everything I am and everything I'm not. The treasure in the midst of the the chaos. I tend to focus more on the chaos than the treasure. Future me: Remember to focus on the treasure and not on the chaos.

On a camp note, this week was chaotic and exhausting and sweet and stretching and fun and overwhelming and foundation setting. This next week I'm lifeguarding all week. Praise Him!

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